Hi, I’m Danie Evergreen
I worked as a professional dancer, then moved into teaching dance and fitness instruction. I was a high achiever at school, but in the dance world I never felt like I was good enough. I spent so much energy feeling like I had to prove I was worthy of the performance slot. I have always loved teaching, and considered training to be a primary school teacher, but the level of stress and pressure I saw my colleagues facing didn’t appeal!
I noticed that throughout my dance teaching and fitness instruction people spent so much time ‘in their heads’ that it got in the way of them being able to enjoy the experience. I have always been curious about what makes people tick…. why do we behave in certain ways?
Hearing from a friend about how useful NLP had been to help him move forward after a challenging time I was intrigued and after some research booked onto a Practitioner course to see how I could help my clients at a deeper level.
It’s fair to say that I realised pretty quickly I had a lot more ‘stuff’ going on in my own head than I’d realised! And the course was far more impactful in my own life than I had expected. I still remember the moment I realised that I didn’t have to always be rushing around and achieving something more… that actually I was already enough and I got to choose. It was like a massive weight being lifted. I also met my now husband on my course.
We went on to complete the Master Practitioner course together and I’ve no doubt that the insights we have gained through NLP have been a big part in enabling us to have a healthy, happy relationship, a far cry from my previous relationships, where I was too scared of being rejected to be honest about what I wanted or expect to be treated with respect.
I have learned so much about myself and how to be happy with who I am and where I’m at, instead of feeling like I constantly need to be achieving something more. My mission now is to share what I’ve learned to help others find their own version of happy, where connectedness and wellbeing shine above achievement and ‘busy-ness’.
As a an NLP Master Practitioner, Holistic Coach and Time Line Therapy Practitioner, I have a wide range of skills and techniques to help you uncover what it is you really want and how to get it. I launched Evergreen Coaching Solutions with the aim of helping as many people as possible and collaborating with other professionals to create powerful experiences for our clients.